I have posted this message at Dell's forums, but so far no one could
help me. So I'm posting here also.
I cannot activate the TV out option of my 600m. My TV is not old, but
it does not send anything back to the 600m to make the S-Video (TV)
option available.
I have tried two configurations: S-Video 7-pin to RCA and S-Video 4-pin
to RCA.
No matter what I do the TV option is always grayed out.
I live abroad and the TVs here are usually very simple. The option of
buying a new TV with S-Video female connection is not available, or it
is too expensive to be worth it.
I have tried my S-Video out using a Sony projector (both
configurations: S-Video 7-pin to RCA and S-Video 4-pin to RCA). I did
not try S-Video to S-Video because I do not have this kind of cable.
Also, as I said, my TV does not have an S-Video connection.
However, I did try the following: Laptop - S-Video 7-pin to RCA female
- RCA male to RCA male - RCA female to S-Video 4-pin, and it also did
not work.
I tryed playing around a little bit with the video settings and
monitors. Sometimes something would flash on the TV screen, but not
fast enough that I could see anything (just something blue).
I also tried to reboot using several different configurations, either
with the cables plugged or unplugged. No success.
Omega drivers? Tried that as well, two different versions. Nothing.
I have read somewhere that I should hack the firmware (!) to force TV
out. Since the 600m does not have a floppy disk I cannot save the
firmware. So I booted form the CD and I tried to save the firmware to
my pen drive (if I boot from the pen drive it somehow is write
protected). But it turns out the Ati Mobility 9000 on the 600m does not
have a ROM to flash, or so it appears (according with flashrom and
atiflash). So I'm back to square one.
Well, I think I'm going to give up, I have tried everything... I
wonder if there is a cable or adaptor that plugs the VGA output to the
RCA yellow video input... If there is such a thing.
help me. So I'm posting here also.
I cannot activate the TV out option of my 600m. My TV is not old, but
it does not send anything back to the 600m to make the S-Video (TV)
option available.
I have tried two configurations: S-Video 7-pin to RCA and S-Video 4-pin
to RCA.
No matter what I do the TV option is always grayed out.
I live abroad and the TVs here are usually very simple. The option of
buying a new TV with S-Video female connection is not available, or it
is too expensive to be worth it.
I have tried my S-Video out using a Sony projector (both
configurations: S-Video 7-pin to RCA and S-Video 4-pin to RCA). I did
not try S-Video to S-Video because I do not have this kind of cable.
Also, as I said, my TV does not have an S-Video connection.
However, I did try the following: Laptop - S-Video 7-pin to RCA female
- RCA male to RCA male - RCA female to S-Video 4-pin, and it also did
not work.
I tryed playing around a little bit with the video settings and
monitors. Sometimes something would flash on the TV screen, but not
fast enough that I could see anything (just something blue).
I also tried to reboot using several different configurations, either
with the cables plugged or unplugged. No success.
Omega drivers? Tried that as well, two different versions. Nothing.
I have read somewhere that I should hack the firmware (!) to force TV
out. Since the 600m does not have a floppy disk I cannot save the
firmware. So I booted form the CD and I tried to save the firmware to
my pen drive (if I boot from the pen drive it somehow is write
protected). But it turns out the Ati Mobility 9000 on the 600m does not
have a ROM to flash, or so it appears (according with flashrom and
atiflash). So I'm back to square one.
Well, I think I'm going to give up, I have tried everything... I
wonder if there is a cable or adaptor that plugs the VGA output to the
RCA yellow video input... If there is such a thing.