Hi sicox66,
You should have that option in your Video Settings:
Right-Click your desktop > Properties > Settings.
Cheers, *Windows_XP_MVP_Shell/User*
Jimmy S.
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sicox66 Wrote:
| How do i change from dual monitor mode to duplicate the laptop screen? To
| answer the crash question ,i turned the computer off and when starting up
| again, error report came up saying "computer has just recovered from a
| serious error" taking my full screen enjoyment with it, thanks David B.
| "David B." wrote:
|| Provide some useful info.
|| Crashed how? What did you do to recover?
|| You may need to change the dual monitor mode to duplicate the laptop screen,
|| not extend it.
|| --
|| ----
|| Crosspost, do not multipost
|| How to ask a question
|| How to Post
|| _________________________________________________________________________________
|| ||| i'm new to gaming
||| compaq pressario 2000, running win XP
||| trying to use tv as a monitor, was sucessful with s-video cables then
||| crashed last night, i can't restore the game, that comes up on my laptop,
||| to
||| the tv??? the closest i can get is a copy of desktop, without any of the
||| icons