Tutorial for VB

  • Thread starter Thread starter Nak
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Hi there,
I need a good help/tutorial for VB, please (I preffer *.chm help file).

A standard tutorial huh? I think you might want to be a little more
specific, VB isn't just VB, what do you want to learn in VB? How to use
common controls? basic OOP programming? advanced OOP programming? how to use
the IDE? how to create reusable objects? etc etc.

Try here, it's good for beginners as it's contributed to mainly by



"No matter. Whatever the outcome, you are changed."

Fergus - September 5th 2003
Mr. x said:
My previous post was in vain,
so I am sending this post again.

I need a good help/tutorial for VB, please (I preffer *.chm help

Thanks :)

Don't you like the stuff started by <F1>? :-)
If you don't have VB.Net/VS.Net, the whole documentation can be found at
(under .NET development/Visual Studio.NET/...)

BTW, your system date/time/time zone is wrong.
My previous post was in vain,
so I am sending this post again.

I need a good help/tutorial for VB, please (I preffer *.chm help file).

Thanks :)
Mr. x said:
I was looking in msdn.microsoft/com/library/etc...
I am looking for the list of all functions & objects.
Can I see this list.

C'mon, simply browse the table of contents. :-)

The .NET framework reference:

I'm not online currently, so use the link above, from there choose
"Reference" -> "class library". You'll get a list of all namespaces and all
containing classes and everything and all. ;-)

Concerning the VB.NET docs:
From there you should find what you're looking for.

BTW, my system date/time/time zone is OK (my current time posting
this email is : 16:12 pm at 20/9/03), and I think that the server
that synchronize my time in newsgroup - time.windows.com, getting
wrong conclusions about my time, so you see not the real time of

Thanks :)

Your time zone is set to +2 hours. Is it right? Here (Germany) it is +2
hours (+1 hour local offset to UTC and +1 hour for central european summer
time) and it is *15*:16, not 16:16

Choose one: ;-)
- We are in the same time zone, and your *time* is wrong. (in other words:
if you were in the same time zone as I am, our time would have to be equal)
- We are in different time zones, your time is right, but your *time zone*
is wrong
Herfried K. Wagner said:

Are you sure it is wrong?!

Yes. Our time zone is +02 hours. According to his header line

Date: Sat, 20 Sep 2003 16:12:24 +0200

he is in the same time zone. Consequently, the system time must be wrong. It
should be 15:12, not 16:12

Or: his time is correct, but his time zone is wrong. In this case it must be
For VB.NET - full help.
Thanks :)
Nak said:
Hi there,

A standard tutorial huh? I think you might want to be a little more
specific, VB isn't just VB, what do you want to learn in VB? How to use
common controls? basic OOP programming? advanced OOP programming? how to use
the IDE? how to create reusable objects? etc etc.

Try here, it's good for beginners as it's contributed to mainly by



"No matter. Whatever the outcome, you are changed."

Fergus - September 5th 2003
I was looking in msdn.microsoft/com/library/etc...
I am looking for the list of all functions & objects.
Can I see this list.

BTW, my system date/time/time zone is OK (my current time posting this email
is : 16:12 pm at 20/9/03), and I think that the server that synchronize my
time in newsgroup - time.windows.com, getting wrong conclusions about my
time, so you see not the real time of mine.

Thanks :)
Mr. X.
Mr. X.
This sounds realistic and it gives a good explanation from the problem and I
think that it is something to keep in mind for us.
Mr. x said:
I see your time in newsgroup : 15:17.
My time zone is +2.0 GMT (See time zone for Israel, Jerusalem).
my clock is correct (well, I'm not senile), and current clock is for
summer clock ( so it is + 3.0 GMT).

I think that in the few days in our country, the clock will be
changed from summer-clock to winter-clock.
That may be the problem, because I think that the algorithm or the
site for fixing the time zone is wrong.
(maybe it is time.windows.com, or something wrong on the ISP site) -
because of that my time isn't synchronize with yours,
and you should wait few days for correction on ISP etc...
and please - I get a lot of feedback about my wrong time, which is
not (everyone in Israel does this problem), so I cannot answer each
one who tell me that.

Thanks :)

In your postings it is +2 but as you wrote it should be +3. You also write
that it is summer time, but it seems this setting is ignored. What does


return? If it returns False, summer time is not set on your PC. I'd enable
it manually (and switch off automatic update via internet).

Now I see: when I select "(GMT +02:00) Jerusalem" in the time zone combo in
the system settings, it does not contain a checkbox "automatically set
winter-/summer time" (or whatever the text is in your language). This should
explain it. Strange.... Does this mean, WinXP does not know that you also
have summer time in Jerusalem??

Armin Zingler said:
Yes. Our time zone is +02 hours. According to his header line

Date: Sat, 20 Sep 2003 16:12:24 +0200

he is in the same time zone. Consequently, the system time
must be wrong. It should be 15:12, not 16:12

Or: his time is correct, but his time zone is wrong. In this
case it must be +0300

Ooops. For some reason _I_ read the wrong date...
I see your time in newsgroup : 15:17.
My time zone is +2.0 GMT (See time zone for Israel, Jerusalem).
my clock is correct (well, I'm not senile), and current clock is for summer
clock ( so it is + 3.0 GMT).

I think that in the few days in our country, the clock will be changed from
summer-clock to winter-clock.
That may be the problem, because I think that the algorithm or the site for
fixing the time zone is wrong.
(maybe it is time.windows.com, or something wrong on the ISP site) - because
of that my time isn't synchronize with yours,
and you should wait few days for correction on ISP etc...
and please - I get a lot of feedback about my wrong time, which is not
(everyone in Israel does this problem), so I cannot answer each one who tell
me that.

Thanks :)
Mr. x said:
Hello again,

I also searched for the checkbox :
"automatically set winter-/summer time", but this checkbox isn't.
(If there was - there was not a problem at all).
If I get syncronize from times.windows.com
- I get a wrong time (1 hour less, like winter time).
(not everyone know this - but double click on the time in task bar ->
time zone -> internet time -> automaticly synchronize ....
-> check this on will cause my time to be an hour less then it
should be,
so something is wrong in times.windows.com,
and perhaps also in windows-xp, which I am not suprised that it is
a bug
I think, because now it is Saturday (In Isreal we don't work on
Saturday), and now we on summer time,
but in a few days we'll be in winter-time, windows-xp thinks for some
reason I am in winter time (maybe there is a fixed day out there in
windows-xp or in times.windows.com),
but there is nothing I can do about it, unless I change my clock to
another fictive country -
A thing I don't want to do.
It seems that summer-winter time is not always at the exact same day
of the year - this may be changed.

Thanks :)

That's almost the same I was trying to say in my previous post. :-))
It is in Israel jerusal (+2.00 GMT),
but we are in summer-clock, so it should be (+3.00 GMT), but in windows
there is no declaration that I am in summer clock time.

Thanks :)
See if the previous post is correct.

If it is correct
(As I think it is, because I see that it has different behaviour - if you
right-click on mouse + properies on the previous e-mail, you'll see the GMT
time (+3.00 GMT) as it should be, and not like my previous post - +2.00
then :

What I did is simply change to another country,
(GMT + 02:00) Helsinki, Kyiv, Riga, ...
instead of (GMT + 02:00) Jerusalem.
and the checkbox :
"Automatically adjust clock for daylight ... " is checked.

If it is true that now my clock is seen O.K., then problem is :
Windows XP make invisible the : "automatically adjust clock for daylight "
.... for jerusalem GMT,
when it needs to be, I suppose, visible (so I can check this option)
(problem 1).

Otherwize : time.windows.com should update the correct time, and not hour
less (problem 2).

It is Microsoft forum, so please, if one of Microsoft team see this e-mail,
please check this out, and make a solution for the problem.
See also for times.windows.com, which doesn't set my time to the correct
(Maybe other countries has that problem, and Israel is not the only one).

Now I am changing back to the : GMT +02.0 of Jerusalem, so please be
patient until I change back to winter time when my country does.

That's all folks.

Thanks :)

Mr. x said:
test time : now it is : 18:32 pm.
Hello again,

I also searched for the checkbox :
"automatically set winter-/summer time", but this checkbox isn't.
(If there was - there was not a problem at all).
If I get syncronize from times.windows.com
- I get a wrong time (1 hour less, like winter time).
(not everyone know this - but double click on the time in task bar -> time
zone -> internet time -> automaticly synchronize ....
-> check this on will cause my time to be an hour less then it should be,
so something is wrong in times.windows.com,
and perhaps also in windows-xp, which I am not suprised that it is a bug
I think, because now it is Saturday (In Isreal we don't work on Saturday),
and now we on summer time,
but in a few days we'll be in winter-time, windows-xp thinks for some reason
I am in winter time (maybe there is a fixed day out there in windows-xp or
in times.windows.com),
but there is nothing I can do about it, unless I change my clock to another
fictive country -
A thing I don't want to do.
It seems that summer-winter time is not always at the exact same day of the
year - this may be changed.

Thanks :)
Mr. x said:
It is Microsoft forum, so please, if one of Microsoft team see this e-mail,
please check this out, and make a solution for the problem.
See also for times.windows.com, which doesn't set my time to the correct
(Maybe other countries has that problem, and Israel is not the only one).

Now I am changing back to the : GMT +02.0 of Jerusalem, so please be
patient until I change back to winter time when my country does.

Search the MSFT KB and the winxp groups ("time zone jerusalem" should do

For example:

Watch one of my previous post, and see that I have, for my opinion, a good
solution, (after "test time" header) in this group "Tutorial for VB".

I am sending this e-mail, after running TZEdit.
I'll see the time,
but I don't think this is the ideal solution
- windows should solve the problem, anyway.

Thanks :)