Pat Furrie
Years ago you could disable confirmation dialogs in
Windows (you know, that "Do you want to save changes?"
type stuff) with a few registry tweaks. I don't remember
what they are/were. Having a problem now with Windows XP
and another program we use -- keeps asking for
confirmation on it's stupid text output windows and
slowing down our traffic department. Anyone know what
those tweaks are for Windows XP?
Pat Furrie
WESH-TV, Orlando
Windows (you know, that "Do you want to save changes?"
type stuff) with a few registry tweaks. I don't remember
what they are/were. Having a problem now with Windows XP
and another program we use -- keeps asking for
confirmation on it's stupid text output windows and
slowing down our traffic department. Anyone know what
those tweaks are for Windows XP?
Pat Furrie
WESH-TV, Orlando