Turn on or off at specific time ??

  • Thread starter Thread starter Maryam
  • Start date Start date
Maryam said:
How can i turn on or off my computer at specific time ?

Windows XP has a command called SHUTDOWN.EXE which can be run from a Command

If you open a Command Prompt and enter

shutdown /?

you get the usage and syntax notes.

Setting up Task Scheduler to shut down your pc should then be straight

To boot up your pc from off you'd need this to be a function available
within the BIOS.
My ECS K7S5A Pro has (i believe) this feature.

Can you look through your BIOS setup for any possible Boot PC Every... or
Boot PC At.. type of settings??

-----Original Message-----
How can i turn on or off my computer at specific time ?

These instructions assume that you have access to a watch
or other clock. Follow the instructions in the exact order

1) Determine what time you want the computer turned on
or off.

2) Look at the clock.

3) When the clock indicates that the time is what you
arrived at in step 1, turn the computer on or off.

Hope this helps!!