You can create a macro to do multiple steps. Your macro should have atleast
4 steps based on what you described.
1) SetWarnings (No)
2) OpenQuery (Name of your append Query, leave other options the same)
3) OpenReport (Name of you report, set view to print preview)
4) SetWarnings (Yes)
The open query command does not actually open a query, it is like pushing
the run command when writing a query, so if your query is an append query,
then it will just perform the append and not open the result table. If it
was a regular query then the resulting table would be shown.
I do not understand what you mean by the report will not run when you use an
append query. Is the record source for the report the query? If so that is
wrong. Since an append query does not reuslt in a table of data, setting
the report to use this query as the source will fill it with no data. The
source for the table should either be a table or a regular query.