Turing of SP2 Firewall via registry entry?

  • Thread starter Thread starter Sean B
  • Start date Start date

Sean B

Is it possible for me to push out a reg entry and have the firewall turned
off in my environment?


The Windows Firewall is a service and therefore there are no registry
entries which you can use to Switch it off. Although it can be swtiched off
programatically, but sorry no registry key for it.


Mike Bright MCP, MSP

e:[email protected]
That really doesn't answer his question.

So in a script (such as the login script assuming they can access the server to execute the
login script) there would be an entry such as...

net stop FireWallService_Name

Now, how would you disable it such that it does not "turn on" upon a reboot ?

Or to ask it a little better, in a script, how can one completely disable the FireWall ?

My org. for one has issued a statement that the FireWall in SP2 *must* be disabled.

I have created a CDROM and a Kixtart script that slipstreams the root i386 directory then
installs SP2. I would like to programmatically permanently disable the fireWall upon
installation of the Service Pack.


| Sean,
| The Windows Firewall is a service and therefore there are no registry
| entries which you can use to Switch it off. Although it can be swtiched off
| programatically, but sorry no registry key for it.
| Regards
| Mike Bright MCP, MSP
| e:[email protected]
Hi David,

I can`t remember how, but I know there is some command
line inputs you can excute while using the SP2 update to
disable the firewall. I think it was posted in the
testing newsgroup for SP2. I know it was answered by one
of the many MVP`s there. Sorry I can`t be more help. I
know there are command line switchs you can use though.

-----Original Message-----
That really doesn't answer his question.

So in a script (such as the login script assuming they
can access the server to execute the
login script) there would be an entry such as...

net stop FireWallService_Name

Now, how would you disable it such that it does not "turn on" upon a reboot ?

Or to ask it a little better, in a script, how can one
completely disable the FireWall ?
My org. for one has issued a statement that the FireWall in SP2 *must* be disabled.

I have created a CDROM and a Kixtart script that
slipstreams the root i386 directory then
installs SP2. I would like to programmatically
permanently disable the fireWall upon
I look forward to its discovery and resultant use.


| Hi David,
| I can`t remember how, but I know there is some command
| line inputs you can excute while using the SP2 update to
| disable the firewall. I think it was posted in the
| testing newsgroup for SP2. I know it was answered by one
| of the many MVP`s there. Sorry I can`t be more help. I
| know there are command line switchs you can use though.
| Jeff
| >-----Original Message-----
| >That really doesn't answer his question.
| >
| >So in a script (such as the login script assuming they
| can access the server to execute the
| >login script) there would be an entry such as...
| >
| >net stop FireWallService_Name
| >
| >Now, how would you disable it such that it does not "turn
| on" upon a reboot ?
| >
| >Or to ask it a little better, in a script, how can one
| completely disable the FireWall ?
| >
| >My org. for one has issued a statement that the FireWall
| in SP2 *must* be disabled.
| >
| >I have created a CDROM and a Kixtart script that
| slipstreams the root i386 directory then
| >installs SP2. I would like to programmatically
| permanently disable the fireWall upon
| >installation of the Service Pack.
| >
| >Dave
| >
| >
| >
| >
| >
| >"Mike Bright MSP" <[email protected]>
| wrote in message
| >| >| Sean,
| >|
| >| The Windows Firewall is a service and therefore there
| are no registry
| >| entries which you can use to Switch it off. Although
| it can be swtiched off
| >| programatically, but sorry no registry key for it.
| >|
| >| Regards
| >|
| >| Mike Bright MCP, MSP
| >|
| >| e:[email protected]
| >|
| >|
| >
| >
| >.
| >

Found it, at

in security, July 20 at 8:03 am, topic is sp2 Firewall
installation option. Responding person is Torgeir Bakken
(MVP) his response is:
Does anyone know of a way to install sp2 with an option
that would keep the firewall off?

If you are running Active Directory, you can configure a
Group Policy that disables the firewall (see WF_XPSP2.doc
in the link further down for more on this).

If Group Policy is not an option and you want to avoid a
post SP2
install scripting solution (you can disable the FW with a
after hand), there is another options available:

Push out some some registry settings before the SP2
so the FW disables itself when it finds those registry

From WF_XPSP2.doc ("Deploying Windows Firewall Settings
for Microsoft
Windows XP with Service Pack 2") at

Disabling the Use of Windows Firewall Across Your Network
If you decide to disable the use of Windows Firewall
across your entire
network, and you are not or cannot use the Windows
Firewall Group
Policy settings, you can use the Unattend.txt or Netfw.inf
to disable
Windows Firewall as Windows XP SP 2 is being installed.
For an example
of using Unattend.txt, see Appendix E. For an example of
Netfw.inf, see Appendix F.

Depending on your network policies, your users might elect
intentionally or accidentally to install Windows XP SP 2
Windows Update, rather than through a central network
location that
contains the modified Netfw.inf file. If this occurs, the
Netfw.inf file is not read during the installation and
Firewall is enabled.

One solution to this possible problem is to create the
settings on your client computers to disable Windows
Firewall before
your users have a chance to install Windows XP SP2 from
Windows Update.
ICF on computers running Windows XP (prior to SP2) ignores
registry settings. When the user installs Windows XP SP2
from Windows
Update and restarts their computer, Windows Firewall reads
the registry
settings already in place and disables itself.

To add a registry setting on all of your computers running
Windows XP,
you can use the following tools:

· Regini.exe from the Windows 2000 Server Resource Kit
· Reg.exe from the Windows Server 2003 Resource Kit

In both cases, you create a script file that is read by
the tool to add
a registry setting. The tool has to be run in the security
context of a
local administrator account.

Alternately, you can use network management software to
change registry
settings on managed computers.

The registry keys to add to disable Windows Firewall for
both the
domain and standard profiles are the following:

\EnableFirewall=0 (DWORD data type)

\EnableFirewall=0 (DWORD data type)


Why they are talking about getting Regini.exe and Reg.exe
from the
Server resource kits I do not understand, both those tools
builtin with WinXP.
Togeir !
I should have known. The man is a scripting genious.

Information contained in -- WF_XPSP2.doc

I read that about 2 or 3 weeks ago. Its not pretty. It needs the SP2 EXE extracted. I'd
rather keep the EXE in its 266MB distriburtion executable so I dropped that idea. I want a
solution to be done AFTER SP2 is installed either before rebooting the PC or something I can
run in RunServicesOnce or RunOnce from the Registry upon the reboot.

Thanx Jeff !


Found it, at

in security, July 20 at 8:03 am, topic is sp2 Firewall
installation option. Responding person is Torgeir Bakken
(MVP) his response is:
Does anyone know of a way to install sp2 with an option
that would keep the firewall off?

If you are running Active Directory, you can configure a
Group Policy that disables the firewall (see WF_XPSP2.doc
in the link further down for more on this).

If Group Policy is not an option and you want to avoid a
post SP2
install scripting solution (you can disable the FW with a
after hand), there is another options available:

Push out some some registry settings before the SP2
so the FW disables itself when it finds those registry

From WF_XPSP2.doc ("Deploying Windows Firewall Settings
for Microsoft
Windows XP with Service Pack 2") at

Disabling the Use of Windows Firewall Across Your Network
If you decide to disable the use of Windows Firewall
across your entire
network, and you are not or cannot use the Windows
Firewall Group
Policy settings, you can use the Unattend.txt or Netfw.inf
to disable
Windows Firewall as Windows XP SP 2 is being installed.
For an example
of using Unattend.txt, see Appendix E. For an example of
Netfw.inf, see Appendix F.

Depending on your network policies, your users might elect
intentionally or accidentally to install Windows XP SP 2
Windows Update, rather than through a central network
location that
contains the modified Netfw.inf file. If this occurs, the
Netfw.inf file is not read during the installation and
Firewall is enabled.

One solution to this possible problem is to create the
settings on your client computers to disable Windows
Firewall before
your users have a chance to install Windows XP SP2 from
Windows Update.
ICF on computers running Windows XP (prior to SP2) ignores
registry settings. When the user installs Windows XP SP2
from Windows
Update and restarts their computer, Windows Firewall reads
the registry
settings already in place and disables itself.

To add a registry setting on all of your computers running
Windows XP,
you can use the following tools:

· Regini.exe from the Windows 2000 Server Resource Kit
· Reg.exe from the Windows Server 2003 Resource Kit

In both cases, you create a script file that is read by
the tool to add
a registry setting. The tool has to be run in the security
context of a
local administrator account.

Alternately, you can use network management software to
change registry
settings on managed computers.

The registry keys to add to disable Windows Firewall for
both the
domain and standard profiles are the following:

\EnableFirewall=0 (DWORD data type)

\EnableFirewall=0 (DWORD data type)


Why they are talking about getting Regini.exe and Reg.exe
from the
Server resource kits I do not understand, both those tools
builtin with WinXP.
Your welcome

Glad I could be useful in someway, even though its from
someone else`s post

-----Original Message-----
Togeir !
I should have known. The man is a scripting genious.

Information contained in -- WF_XPSP2.doc

I read that about 2 or 3 weeks ago. Its not pretty. It
needs the SP2 EXE extracted. I'd
rather keep the EXE in its 266MB distriburtion executable
so I dropped that idea. I want a
solution to be done AFTER SP2 is installed either before
rebooting the PC or something I can
David said:
Togeir !
I should have known. The man is a scripting genious.

Information contained in -- WF_XPSP2.doc

I read that about 2 or 3 weeks ago. Its not pretty. It needs the SP2 EXE extracted. I'd
rather keep the EXE in its 266MB distriburtion executable so I dropped that idea. I want a
solution to be done AFTER SP2 is installed either before rebooting the PC or something I can
run in RunServicesOnce or RunOnce from the Registry upon the reboot.

There are several solutions available to disable the firewall
programmatically without extracting the SP2 EXE file.

Here are two ways:


Adding the registry values mentioned, this can be done either
before or after SP2 is installed

The registry key path has changed since I posted that post (it
is now WindowsFirewall instead of FirewallPolicy):

\EnableFirewall=0 (DWORD data type)

\EnableFirewall=0 (DWORD data type)

Those registry values are documented in WF_XPSP2.doc

WF_XPSP2.doc "Deploying Windows Firewall Settings for Microsoft
Windows XP with Service Pack 2" is downloadable from

If you want to disable the service as well:

sc.exe config SharedAccess start= disabled


The following command line will disable SP2's firewall (must be
run after SP2 is installed and at least one reboot is done):

netsh.exe firewall set opmode mode=disable profile=all

The netsh.exe syntax is also documented in WF_XPSP2.doc.

If you want to disable the service as well:

sc.exe config SharedAccess start= disabled
What can I say ?

Except a repeat....

"Togeir !
I should have known. The man is a scripting genious."

You have helped me so many times. You are definitely, and undoubtedly, the best on the
Microsoft News Groups !!!!

With much gratitude....

BTW: I just bought the book "Microsoft Windows Command-Line", William R. Stanek, Microsoft
Press, 2004.

Do you know the book or the author ? If so -- Any comments ?

| David H. Lipman wrote:
| > Togeir !
| > I should have known. The man is a scripting genious.
| >
| > Information contained in -- WF_XPSP2.doc
| >
| > I read that about 2 or 3 weeks ago. Its not pretty. It needs the SP2 EXE extracted.
| > rather keep the EXE in its 266MB distriburtion executable so I dropped that idea. I
want a
| > solution to be done AFTER SP2 is installed either before rebooting the PC or something I
| > run in RunServicesOnce or RunOnce from the Registry upon the reboot.
| Hi
| There are several solutions available to disable the firewall
| programmatically without extracting the SP2 EXE file.
| Here are two ways:
| 1)
| Adding the registry values mentioned, this can be done either
| before or after SP2 is installed
| The registry key path has changed since I posted that post (it
| is now WindowsFirewall instead of FirewallPolicy):
| HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\WindowsFirewall\DomainProfile
| \EnableFirewall=0 (DWORD data type)
| HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\WindowsFirewall\StandardProfile
| \EnableFirewall=0 (DWORD data type)
| Those registry values are documented in WF_XPSP2.doc
| WF_XPSP2.doc "Deploying Windows Firewall Settings for Microsoft
| Windows XP with Service Pack 2" is downloadable from
| If you want to disable the service as well:
| sc.exe config SharedAccess start= disabled
| 2)
| The following command line will disable SP2's firewall (must be
| run after SP2 is installed and at least one reboot is done):
| netsh.exe firewall set opmode mode=disable profile=all
| The netsh.exe syntax is also documented in WF_XPSP2.doc.
| If you want to disable the service as well:
| sc.exe config SharedAccess start= disabled
| --
| torgeir, Microsoft MVP Scripting and WMI, Porsgrunn Norway
| Administration scripting examples and an ONLINE version of
| the 1328 page Scripting Guide:
| http://www.microsoft.com/technet/scriptcenter/default.mspx
David said:
What can I say ?

Except a repeat....

"Togeir !
I should have known. The man is a scripting genious."

You have helped me so many times. You are definitely, and undoubtedly,
the best on the Microsoft News Groups !!!!

With much gratitude....

Thanks for those nice words :-)

BTW: I just bought the book "Microsoft Windows Command-Line", William R.
Stanek, Microsoft Press, 2004.

Do you know the book or the author ? If so -- Any comments ?

No, sorry, I do not know that book or author...