Spoon2001 said:
Ah, you got my hopes up. I wish FreeCommander was more like TN. I much
prefer the way TN allows you can select files with the keyboard, and how
selected are displayed. You just press Space, the filename appears in blue,
and it is selected. FreeCommander follows the awkward Explorer method - you
use Shift + arrows to select contiguous files, Ctrl + arrows to select
non-contiguous files, and one wrong move on the keyboard, and your file
selections are gone!
Tera News didn't post my reply (or yours):
Not sure why teranews isn't showing other posts although my ISP is so
here goes:
the more i play with free commander the more i like it. both TN and
FC certainly are better than PowerDesk (which I've had problems
running on XP). I like the fact that both can apply filters. While
TN has a built in media player, FC has built in start menu for current
user, all users, and custom (at least thats what I was able to figure
out) Both allow not only double panes but double panes with tree
view. FC takes up 4.9 Meg of ram while TN uses about 10.1 Meg. FC
has been updated more recently than TN. The status bar (when view two
panes) under FC is nice. Tells me info at the same time as opposed to
per selected pane like TN. Both TN and FC have a favorites folder
menu selection item (is that what you would call it?). TN can run as
a single executable (if you lost the installer then thats ok) but FC
requires the installer (esp. if you speak english as a first and only
language) FC has the capability to edit your layout. FC can also
view image thumbnails but TN cannot. FC can also compare and or
synchronize folders. FC also has nice set of easy to remember
Keyboard Short Cuts (appear nearly same as TN). FC selects and
highlites files just like Windows Explorer. FC can also give you a
printable listing of your folders and whats inside them.
TN has easy access to the system and downloads directories (although
there still is a favorites directories option) TN also has easy
access to the clipboard as well as well as access to directory and
file information (very informative).
.......So both have have their good points and their bad points I guess
it all depends on your preferences (although the preferences in TN are
more customizable than FC which is not always a good thing although I
like the colors feature).
What about Jexplorer ?