Within the next few weeks, the databases will be overhauled, as I now
have the resources to make the private build of TT Livescan public.
There will also be several new databases, which will increase the
chances of finding new malware. All of the database formats will
converted accordingly. This still means the user will have to have an
internet connection of some kind in order to use TT Livescan. The
reason for this is quite easy... I don't imagine a user base that's
eager to install data in excess of 200GB per machine.
Users will also have a new feature to look forward to: Quicker
scantimes. And by quicker, I don't mean a few seconds here and there,
but rather halves to a quarter of the time it takes now. So far, the
tests are coming along nicely, and even over a dialup connection, an
entire system scan takes about 5-6 minutes to perform, with no extra
overhead to the system itself. This is not wishful thinking, but a
reality. I believe this will prove to be a major step towards setting
a new kind of standard for the entire anti-malware industry as a
whole, and not just as a benefit to the consumer.
If you are interested in contributing to this project, I can be
contacted at (e-mail address removed) or (e-mail address removed)
Thank you for your patience and support.
have the resources to make the private build of TT Livescan public.
There will also be several new databases, which will increase the
chances of finding new malware. All of the database formats will
converted accordingly. This still means the user will have to have an
internet connection of some kind in order to use TT Livescan. The
reason for this is quite easy... I don't imagine a user base that's
eager to install data in excess of 200GB per machine.
Users will also have a new feature to look forward to: Quicker
scantimes. And by quicker, I don't mean a few seconds here and there,
but rather halves to a quarter of the time it takes now. So far, the
tests are coming along nicely, and even over a dialup connection, an
entire system scan takes about 5-6 minutes to perform, with no extra
overhead to the system itself. This is not wishful thinking, but a
reality. I believe this will prove to be a major step towards setting
a new kind of standard for the entire anti-malware industry as a
whole, and not just as a benefit to the consumer.
If you are interested in contributing to this project, I can be
contacted at (e-mail address removed) or (e-mail address removed)
Thank you for your patience and support.