we have a win2000 terminal server in application mode
with license server installed. we use win98, and win2000
workstations with tsclient installed. one win98
workstation drops the connection before the logon screen.
if we remove the mslicense key from the registry on the
workstation it will connect one time then we must remove
the key again to connect again. it creates a new license
on the server each time. some workstations connect to the
server even when the license server service is stopped
and they do not have a license on the server but always
connect fine. i have deactivated and removed license
server then reinstalled and reactivated. PLEASE HELP.
with license server installed. we use win98, and win2000
workstations with tsclient installed. one win98
workstation drops the connection before the logon screen.
if we remove the mslicense key from the registry on the
workstation it will connect one time then we must remove
the key again to connect again. it creates a new license
on the server each time. some workstations connect to the
server even when the license server service is stopped
and they do not have a license on the server but always
connect fine. i have deactivated and removed license
server then reinstalled and reactivated. PLEASE HELP.