We have a Win2k terminal server, with 15 Windows 98
clients connecting from remote sites over VPN and dial-
up. Only 3 or 4 are ever able to connect and log in.
When the others try to connect, they get an error on their
workstations, and on the server, there is a 1004 "The
terminal server cannot issue a client license." If a new
Win98 client connects the first time, it will allow the
connection. But when it tries to connect the second time,
it gets the error and will not allow a connection. We
have 25 TSCALs installed on this server (the TS and LS run
on the same server), with 19 available. Has anyone else
run into this?
clients connecting from remote sites over VPN and dial-
up. Only 3 or 4 are ever able to connect and log in.
When the others try to connect, they get an error on their
workstations, and on the server, there is a 1004 "The
terminal server cannot issue a client license." If a new
Win98 client connects the first time, it will allow the
connection. But when it tries to connect the second time,
it gets the error and will not allow a connection. We
have 25 TSCALs installed on this server (the TS and LS run
on the same server), with 19 available. Has anyone else
run into this?