and failing miserably 
I've got two sheets in my spreadsheet.
Sheet1 has a subset of location numbers in ColA
Sheet2 has a lot of columns, one of which is the location number.
Name Hours Location
Fred 8 2
Joe 10 3
Jim 6 2
I'm trying to use the advanced filter to get Sheet2 to display only
those entries which have their location specified in Sheet1.
I've taken the List range as being $B$1:$B$1000 (as in example above)
and the criteria range as being 'Locations'!$A$1:$A$7 and, as far as I
can tell, absolutely nothing happens.
Any suggestions as to how I can go about this?

I've got two sheets in my spreadsheet.
Sheet1 has a subset of location numbers in ColA
Sheet2 has a lot of columns, one of which is the location number.
Name Hours Location
Fred 8 2
Joe 10 3
Jim 6 2
I'm trying to use the advanced filter to get Sheet2 to display only
those entries which have their location specified in Sheet1.
I've taken the List range as being $B$1:$B$1000 (as in example above)
and the criteria range as being 'Locations'!$A$1:$A$7 and, as far as I
can tell, absolutely nothing happens.
Any suggestions as to how I can go about this?