And, there's no help from MS to get it back the way it was. I've tried
restoring, removing outlook but now when ever I try to use a windows
component, I get a windows setup or windows install dialog box and it's
never able to find what ever it's looking for. I can't even go into add
remove windows components. My mail files were totally messed up and finally
had to uninstall all my office apps to even get the search files and folders
to open without the windows install dialog box.
Because of all the updates, I can't even use my Windows xp pro CD to try to
repair the damage that outlook 2003 caused. Years of work lost because I
can't use the app needed, so even all the backup files I have are a waist.
I've posted for help in the outlook 2003 newsgroup, but I was never answered
and in looking back are previous posts, I see I'm not the only one with this
exact problem and that person also NEVER received a response or help for the
problem that MS caused.
No wonder Bill Gates is leaving MS!
restoring, removing outlook but now when ever I try to use a windows
component, I get a windows setup or windows install dialog box and it's
never able to find what ever it's looking for. I can't even go into add
remove windows components. My mail files were totally messed up and finally
had to uninstall all my office apps to even get the search files and folders
to open without the windows install dialog box.
Because of all the updates, I can't even use my Windows xp pro CD to try to
repair the damage that outlook 2003 caused. Years of work lost because I
can't use the app needed, so even all the backup files I have are a waist.
I've posted for help in the outlook 2003 newsgroup, but I was never answered
and in looking back are previous posts, I see I'm not the only one with this
exact problem and that person also NEVER received a response or help for the
problem that MS caused.
No wonder Bill Gates is leaving MS!