>> Migeru <
[email protected]>
>>> Rod Speed wrote
>>>> Migeru
[email protected]> wrote
>>>>> im trying to transfer stuff i downloaded on
an old pc to
>>>>> a new external 250gb hd i bought, but i get
a message
>>>>> telling me that the port im using is a low
speed usb port
>>>>> and i need a high speed usb port.
>>>> It isnt actually saying that you NEED a high
>>>> usb port, just that it will be rather slow
without one.
>>>>> anyone know how i can fix this?
>>>> Add a USB 2 port with a PCI card.
>>>>> or what other options i have to transfer the
>>>> Do it slowly on the existing usb port.
>>>>> the cd drive is pretty messed up
>>>>> so i don’t know if it works anymore.
>>> but the hard drive dosen’t show up in My
>>> but it does on other computers, any ideas?
>> OK, two main possibilitys if you see that.
>> The external drive may not be getting enough power
>> with the old pc, particularly if the drive is being
>> from the usb port. If its got an optional external
>> wall wart, use it and see if that fixes the problem
>> it cant be seen in my computer.
>> Its quite likely that the old pc isnt running XP. If
it isnt,
>> it may be that the driver isnt happy with the
>> drive. When you use the drive on other PC, they may
>> be running XP and its happy with the drive because
>> XP's driver is being used for the drive.
Did you install drivers for the drive ? You dont need to with
Maybe it still gets some power, say for the electronics,
from the USB port and there isnt enough with the old PC
if you didnt install a driver with XP.