Trying to SetFocus to right field in form

  • Thread starter Thread starter JustMe
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Hi All.. And PLEASE don't say it...I know it's posted elsewhere...
Some people MIGHT look at one newsgroup and not others and will have the

Here is my orig Question, and it was responded to by Jeff but what was given
did nothing but get me a Macro Error message.
Mabey someone els knows.. I have searched the MS Knowledge Base but found
nothing that helps there.

I have a form called MainFrom. When I open this form it has a subForm that I
use to lookup Customers. My problem is when I open this Main form it's focus
is to the center or the Detail section of the form. I need to First fill
some data in the Header section.
How do I set focus that when I open The Main form it First lets me enter the
in the header part of the form? I can click the mouse in the first field and
that works but I shouldn't have to do that....I don't think.

I have looked at the Tab settings and it does not let me do anything but
change tab order of the fields, Not Sections.
Any Ideas?


Well, here is a classic example of why it is so rude to post the same
stuff in more than one newsgroup, because I had wasted my time writing a
reply to you, which I didn't post because I discovered at the last
minute that you had now solved the problem with the help of someone in
another newsgroup (who, incidentally, gave you exactly the same answer
as Jeff). So, here is some info that might help for next time... What
you did (post the same information independently to more than one group)
is known as multi-posting. If you really think it is necessary to post
to more than one group (in practice, it seldom is), it is much better to
cross-post, which means addressing a single post simultaneously to both
groups, in which case readers of both groups will have the benefit of
seeing the entire discussion. Hope that helps to clarify.