I want to be able to email the current record that I am entering in on a form. I created a control box that is set to run a query on my form and called it
bill_email. The query language is as follows:
bill_email. The query language is as follows:
Summary].Sponsor, [Bill Summary].Summary, [Bill Summary].Analysis, [BillSELECT [Bill Summary].[Bill Number], [Bill Summary].Hyperlink, [Bill
and it is empty. Any ideas? Or any ideas on how to email the current record from the form view? I am not a programmer, so I need specific information. ThanksFROM [Bill Summary]
WHERE ((([Bill Summary].[Bill Number])=forms!Bill_Summary!bill_email));
Bill Summary is the table, Bill Number, etc. are the fields. Bill_Summary is the form.
The idea is to run the query, then email the report that uses the query results. When I hit the control box in the form, I get the query data sheet view,