trying to NOT have so many If-Else Statements?

Jun 27, 2011
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I have about 70 letters (each letter has a certain number) according to their number they could fall into 3 different categories, I am trying to do a “If – Else Statement”, but I don’t want to do 70 individual If Else Statements for each letter, and was wondering if there’s a way that I can have “3” different If statements according to category, and just include the Letter number as a OR, AND, something to that affect, and then if there’s a new letter that comes about that I don’t have, it returns the result that is in that field from original file.

FYI, The Original File only seperates one of the 3 categories, every category thereafter is BLANK, this is why I need a If-Else-Then Statement to input it in my

For example,
IIf([LETTER_NO] IS "2243" Or "2244" Or “4678” Or “5633”,"Mainframe",
IIf([LETTER_NO] IS "1234" Or "3256" Or “6829” Or “7202”,"LOCAL",
IIf([LETTER_NO] IS "4256" Or "7892","EMAIL",[LETTER_NO]) [LETTER_NO])