Can anyone tell me what I am doing wrong here to figure
percent? I tried to use all sorts of declrations but
cannot figure it out. Code is below
Private Sub SampleWeight_AfterUpdate()
'After the weight has been entered, figure the
percentage off (+/- 10)
x = Me.SampleWeight.Value
y = Me.Text156.Value
Tolerance = (x - y) / y
If Tolerance > 10 Then
Me.Text154.Value = "The percentage is over 10% ( "
& Tolerance & "% )"
ElseIf Tolerance < -10 Then
Me.Text154.Value = "The percentage is under 10%
( " & Tolerance & "% )"
Me.Text154.Value = "The weight is within
End If
End Sub
percent? I tried to use all sorts of declrations but
cannot figure it out. Code is below
Private Sub SampleWeight_AfterUpdate()
'After the weight has been entered, figure the
percentage off (+/- 10)
x = Me.SampleWeight.Value
y = Me.Text156.Value
Tolerance = (x - y) / y
If Tolerance > 10 Then
Me.Text154.Value = "The percentage is over 10% ( "
& Tolerance & "% )"
ElseIf Tolerance < -10 Then
Me.Text154.Value = "The percentage is under 10%
( " & Tolerance & "% )"
Me.Text154.Value = "The weight is within
End If
End Sub