trying Normand Mal ware remover

Mar 1, 2015
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I am trying this with Windows professional and IE 11 64 bit computer
I have windows essentials anti virus installed so when I run a scan with Normand it finds about 20 more files in puts them in quarantine , is this a good program to use or does my essentials already have this Mal ware removal and I really don't need Normand ? I hae put the link for the Normand below if you want to check it out for me> thank anyone for any advice.
We here at PCR tend to stick to tried-n-tested malware removers as promoted in This Post and tend to leave others to be the guinea pigs for anything else until at such time it may prove itself.

MS Essentials is, IMHO, no longer a contender to be installed on any PC I ever come into contact with ... even MS themselves had said as much. :)

I strongly suggest you invest in a more robust Anti-Virus program, and, use a more appreciated malware detector/remover.

oh, and I would also suggest, as you readily admit to having malware on your system, that you seak the advice of the great people over at Bleeping Computers.
