Try to use SendObj to send e-mails from form

  • Thread starter Thread starter ChuckW
  • Start date Start date



I have a form called Tickets. There is a combo box
called ComboAssignedTo which allows me to select one of
three people. The selections are actually their e-mail
address. There is also another combo box called
comboRequestor which enables me to select an Employee.
Finally there is a text box called Problem which is a
brief description of the computer problem that the person
in the requestor combo box is having. I want to assign
these tickets to one of three IT people in the
comboAssignedTo box.

I created a macro called Assigned to and selected the
SendObject action. in the Object Type I selected Form.
In the Object name I selected Tickets (the name of my
form). In the Output Format I choose Text File (I'm not
sure what to chose here). In the To box I wrote [Forms]!
[Tickets}!ComboAssignedTo}. In the Subject box I wrote
[Forms]![Tickets]![comboRequestor] and in the Message
Text I chose [Forms]![Tickets]![Problem].

I created a button on my Tickets form that runs this
macro. When I click it nothing happens. If I go to the
Macro list and run it from there, I get a message
saying "A program is trying to send an e-mail on your
behalf..." When I click yes I get an error message
saying "Unknown message recipient, the message was not

Can someone help me with this?


Create a button on your form and call it CmdMail. In the On Click Even
put the following code...


Private Sub CmdMail_Click()
On Error GoTo Err_CmdMail_Click

If IsNull(Me.ComboAssignedTo) Or IsNull(Me.comboRequestor) Or IsNull(Me.Problem) Then
MsgBox "Please Make Sure You Have Selected From Both Combo Boxes And There Is Text In The TextBox To Email."
DoCmd.SendObject acSendNoObject, , , Me.ComboAssignedTo, , , Me.comboRequestor, Me.Problem, True
End If

Exit Sub

Resume Exit_CmdMail_Click

End Sub