I have done some more research on this, and it seems this issue is fixed in
Here is the microsoft connect cut and paste:
Type Bug ID 207513
Status Closed (Fixed) Access Restriction Public
Opened By james_cline_ Blocking Issue Yes
Opened 20/09/2006 Submission Language English
Resolved 08/02/2007 5:33:49 PM Closed 26/02/2007 2:04:22 PM
DescriptionOur Code Signing Certificate through Thawte is expiring so we
renewed and in the process you are *required* to generate a new private key
which your renewed certificate will then use. Signing your ClickOnce
application with the new certificate causes ClickOnce to fail to update with
the following error:
Below is a summary of the errors, details of these errors are listed
later in the log.
* Activation of C:\Documents and Settings\JCline\Start
Menu\Programs\TestClickOnceNewCert\TestClickOnceNewCert.appref-ms resulted
in exception. Following failure messages were detected:
+ The deployment identity does not match the subscription.
It seems ClickOnce requires Code Signing to properly identify the publisher
but in doing so, it is incompatible with the industry standards because
renewing certificates seems to always involve getting a new private key and
since this happens any code signed with the new certificate is now
incompatible with the installed application. This results in a nasty error
and forces our clients to uninstall and reinstall our software which is
unacceptable and makes ClickOnce basically useless unless there is a
This has been fixed in our Orcas release.
Posted by Microsoft on 08/02/2007 at 5:17 PM