Try FireFox browser it is better than IE

  • Thread starter Thread starter Robert K
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of course it is. ie has so many security flaws as it has
access to your system files .otherwise known as windows
Hear, hear!

IE got a lot of improvements in SP2, but I'd still recommend Firefox for the
following reasons:
1) On-page ad blocking (Not just pop-ups, but EVERYTHING)
2) Unlike IE SP2, Firefox works on Windows 98/ME.
3) There are a lot of useful extensions and toolbars available that aren't
Absolutely agree!

Since it is faster, clearer, more stable and safer...

It also does allow you to customize extensively with add-ons, whereas MS IE
will give you a load of junk you don't need! (especially security glitches ;)

It also supports the W3C standards fully, which will make the web a better
place to surf eventually.

Find it at --> <--
I agree!!!!
but it is too SLOW to start, IE is really fast. FireFox is more stable and
faster to load webpage.
Firefox is only slower than IE to start up because IE is mostly loaded up
when you boot your operating system - hence the slow speed at which Windows
starts :-P

If IE wasn't integrated into Windows so much (and wasn't loaded at startup),
Firefox would load faster than it ;-)
No doubt that's true -- and totally irrelevant to the general user, wh
doesn't care how faster load times are achieved. It's possible, though
that the program architecture is alos partly to blame.

DrBob said:
Firefox is only slower than IE to start up because IE is mostly loaded up
when you boot your operating system - hence the slow speed at which Windows
starts :-P

Actually, you can set Mozilla to load it's DLLs at startup just like wot
happens with IE. I'm surprised this is considered a problem anyway, as you
only have to open it once. A small price to pay for a far superior browser.

I have not tried FireFox, mainly because I like the superior mail and news
facilities offered by Mozilla, and I believe FireFox is "browser only"?
Unfortunately, I'm writing this actual message from within OE:(

Actually, you can set Mozilla to load it's DLLs at startup just like wot
happens with IE. I'm surprised this is considered a problem anyway, as you
only have to open it once. A small price to pay for a far superior browser.

I have not tried FireFox, mainly because I like the superior mail and news
facilities offered by Mozilla, and I believe FireFox is "browser only"?
Unfortunately, I'm writing this actual message from within OE:(

FireFox is just a browser. The developers thought people who had
their own favorite email readers and newsreaders would prefer a simple
browser to the full version of mozilla. Some people stress that it is
easier to develop for without all the extras.

I tried it and there is a rather steep but short learning curve. Once
you find the config file tweaks and extensions you prefer, it's very
user friendly for browsing. But it is version 1.0 with all that
implies. Despite it's early state, I'm finding it preferable to IE
for most websites. I suspect there's times you will need IE, but
thanks to Billy, you'll never be without it. There's a couple of
extensions that 1) fool websites into thinking you're using IE and 2)
call IE to view a particular stubborn website from FireFox.

I've noticed a few people in this group scoff at trying or using
FireFox like it will HURT THEM SOMEHOW, but after going through the
experience, I'm thinking about trying ALL the different browsers and
seeing what they ALL have to offer. I know what Billy's selling.
Gerry, I recommend you don't try Firefox if you are using Mozilla. I used to
only use Mozilla and IE and then I tried Firefox. At the time, Firefox had
some IE compatibility extensions that Mozilla didn't and as a result I got
stuck on Firefox. The UI for the pop-up blocking and Find is so good I can't
go back. Now, I use Firefox 99% of the time. I hate it, I find it plain and
boring, but I can't deny that it is better, faster, so now I have to use it.
I use IE when I really have to or when at and Mozilla when I
really need to access POP3, IMAP, or NNTP from somewhere wierd.

Also, I don't beleive that IE loads faster than Firefox. If it does, it's
not enough for most users to notice let alone complain. Firefox taks about
the same time to load as Mozilla when Mozilla is preloaded, maybe a bit

Ha ha, I can't believe I mentioned "pop-up blocking". It's just that I find
it ludicrous to install a piece of software just to disable a feature in
another piece of software. I think wanting a Netscape 3 compatible browser
with a pop-up blocker is like wanting a glass of water that isn't wet.

Gerry Hickman said:

Actually, you can set Mozilla to load it's DLLs at startup just like wot
happens with IE. I'm surprised this is considered a problem anyway, as you
only have to open it once. A small price to pay for a far superior browser.

I have not tried FireFox, mainly because I like the superior mail and news
facilities offered by Mozilla, and I believe FireFox is "browser only"?
Unfortunately, I'm writing this actual message from within OE:(
Yes, Firefox is simply a better browser. Pick some of the 250+ extensions or
themes or make your own! It's still a mistery to me why people still use IE.
Especially the more experienced and techy kind of people.
I love you Firefox. I did not believe it when my Mac friends told me. I
also don't like change, and I don't like it when I move my mouse over
something that is supposed to be there and isn't. I will keep clicking that
spot, over and over, like an OCD tiger in the Washington Zoo, pacing back and
forth and clicking, clicking, clicking... If I could have a chip implanted in
my head (with automatic updates configured, and a kickass firewall), I would.
But that chip would not have IE -- only sweet, sweet Firefox. It's just
like IE only it doesn't suck.
Actually, firefox does not fully implement/support the standards set forth by
the WorldWideWeb Consortium. The only browsers that truly do are Opera,
Konqueror, and Safari. Despite that, I still love SeaMonkey and will likely
be uning a Gecko based browser for a long time.

Test your browser's standards compliance at