In theory;right click to run as admin should work; however;either it's a
bug;or somrthings amiss badly; I tried installing Disckeeper 10 for Vista
build 5384;which has been recommended;and said workable in Vista. Right
clicking;and running as admin did not work at all.
In fact; it did try to install;got almost all the way through the
install;to the point of starting services;then hung up.
Came back with a message; Disckeeper could not start services;pls verify
that you have sufficient priveledge;and try again. At which point; I'm
thinking;HUH? I did run as admin. So;right clicked explorer;to run as admin
also;same results???
Don't know if this is a problem with Disckeeper;or the the "security"
UAC that is built intoVista
Ether way;very annoying;frustrating.
If you know of any help;it would be appreciated;because at this point;
I'm personally fed up with the "elevated" privelege crap
This whole idea;though it may seem more secure;has become very burdensome.