Mr. Smith
I have a Access application, where I use pass-throug queries against an MS
SQL 2008 server to access data. The Access application is a multiuser
solution, and all users have a DSN named dsn_sqlsrv1 on their computer.
How can I make sure that this DSN is used in the pass-through query ODBC
Connect str, and set "trusted_connection=yes". You know, it fail when I skip
the UID:
This work in the ODBC Connect str. field
ODBC;DRIVER=SQL Server;SERVER=sqlsrv1;UID=myuser;
This does not work in the ODBC Connect str. field
All I relly want to do is set DSN=dsn_sqlsrv1 in the ODBC Connection str.
field, in the pass-through query propertie, but that' ai'nt work'n.
I thought "trusted connection" ment hat the connection picked up the local
user account, without the user name beeing a parameter in the connection
How can I make a "dynamic" connection string int the pass-throug query ODBC
Connect str. field, that works on different users?
Messy post perhaps, sorry
Any hints appreciated.
Mr. Smith
I have a Access application, where I use pass-throug queries against an MS
SQL 2008 server to access data. The Access application is a multiuser
solution, and all users have a DSN named dsn_sqlsrv1 on their computer.
How can I make sure that this DSN is used in the pass-through query ODBC
Connect str, and set "trusted_connection=yes". You know, it fail when I skip
the UID:
This work in the ODBC Connect str. field
ODBC;DRIVER=SQL Server;SERVER=sqlsrv1;UID=myuser;
This does not work in the ODBC Connect str. field
All I relly want to do is set DSN=dsn_sqlsrv1 in the ODBC Connection str.
field, in the pass-through query propertie, but that' ai'nt work'n.
I thought "trusted connection" ment hat the connection picked up the local
user account, without the user name beeing a parameter in the connection
How can I make a "dynamic" connection string int the pass-throug query ODBC
Connect str. field, that works on different users?
Messy post perhaps, sorry
Any hints appreciated.
Mr. Smith