Trust Jeremy


Yorkshire Cruncher
Mar 21, 2007
Reaction score
He always gets into trouble. :lol:

Story Here

I know a lot of people who can't stand him but I quite enjoy his outrageous comments. :D

They must never be taken seriously. :D
When I used to watch telly and occasionally view Top Gear I was often torn between views and couldn't make up my mind whether he was funny or was a class one pillock.

Having recently viewed a couple of recent episodes of Top Gear online and picked up a copy of The Sun on a train recently and read his views on the proposed ban on smoking in cars, it's plain to me that the latter view I held back in days of yore was the correct one.

Poor old Jeremy, gradually lapsing into old age and trying to uphold what he percieves as a bad boy image by making more and more statements that he thinks will outrage, shock and most importantly give him headlines.

He could have earned respect as a gifted commentator and program presenter but instead has chosen to try and wind up a considerable chunk of the population. He's a rich man and he's telling strikers they should get back to work and earn a living and that he'd like to execute them in front of their families. Some things don't change do they?

Myself, I consider him to be an ill-mannered obnoxious sad twerp whose celebrity days are probably short lived. Let me say something Jeremy himself would say about strikers: 'Jeremy, do us all a favour and please die at about 180mph in a Ferrari or something, live on Top Gear'. Thank you :)

PS: Despite me being a somewhat fervent supporter of smoking bans in public places I am totally against smoking bans in privately owned cars. Such a ban is nazi like, good intentions or no, just plain wrong. Which is where I agree with Mr Clarkson but I think my statement is a little more eloquent than his ramblings in the Sun 'newspaper'.
I met Clarkson about 15 years ago and managed to make him blush!!!:thumb:
But thats a story not for a family forum!!:lol:
On Wednesday I acted as a marshal for the demonstration in Maidstone and we had about 400 + people demonstrating there (my estimate). There were head teachers, teachers, cleaners, carers, classroom assistance, ambulance personnel, police staff, prison staff, admin staff, nurses and medical staff all in attendance. My wife works as a cook in a home for people with learning disabilities in Ashford and as a cleaner in a Respite Centre in Maidstone. Both of the posts are part time she works a total of 34 hrs and has only one day off a week and that is Friday. As far as the pension contributions are concerned the deductions are made on the full time equivalent and NOT on what you earn so one post the cooks post where she works is 22 hrs her contributions to the pension scheme would be more than she could afford and would have to drop out of the pension scheme. This is the same for many people who work for local authorities who work part time mainly in schools and social services. I do not see her working for many more years as she has Arthritis in feet back and her left hand, also spondleitus in her spine and she is only 54 (Iknow I was a cradle snatcher). The extension of the age of retirement is a farce as many of the people who are manual workers will never be able to work passed the age of 65 because of the damage they have done to joints etc during their working life. As far as Jeremy he is a pompous, educated upper class prick.