Bargain Trust 4000P 5.1 Home Theatre System - £3.15


Feb 23, 2002
Reaction score
I've just been going though the reviews and adding prices to items, when I can across this little gem!

The Trust 4000P 5.1 System for just over £3!!! Seems 10% of the price anywhere else, but it might be worth a gamble.
That does sound crazily cheap! :eek:

I hope that's not all they're worth, because I've got them!
got be a muddle! im gonna purchase myself a pair now!!
Thats a bonus if ever I saw one. The speakers arent all that bad either.
Trust stuff is usually dodgy BUT ive seen some of these - and boy are they good.

Keep this on the down low guys - hope they dont realise and process the orders through to the warehouse. DONT tell them!

UK law says that they should honour the deal anyway. Im fighting for these puppies ;)
christopherpostill said:
UK law says that they should honour the deal anyway. Im fighting for these puppies ;)

Technically not if its a genuine mistake I'm afraid Chris :( It might be them clearing these out at a low price, as they are having a cheap "liquidation sale" at the moment.

Worth a shot though, as it can't do any harm if it is a genuine price.
If you go the there's a huge thread in the bargain folder to with the Misco liquidation sale. You'll need to register to view it, but it's well worth it.
Is Trust going into liqudification (sic?) ... :D

Anybody going to buy a set? :p
Well I just went and ordered some. Comes to just over £9 when you add on delivery, and should serve me pretty well til I can afford something more swish!
No seriously - these sound REALLY good. One of the better products that Trust make. You will be suprised
Ian Cunningham said:
It might be them clearing these out at a low price, as they are having a cheap "liquidation sale" at the moment. Worth a shot though, as it can't do any harm if it is a genuine price.

Unlikely - these would go like the proverbial hot cakes at £20 a set, let alone £3.15!

I'd bet my bottom dollar/pound coin that misco call me up monday saying it was their mistake.
well lets see what happens

norm in this case ull get an email

'sorry blah blah blah
full refund.....'

and thats it

ive orderd a couple
tenner says they wont come tho!
Dear Chris
In relation to your web order. Part number ww66983 has now been discontinued. Please contact our technical department on 0870 720 8740 or email them on [email protected] for advise on an alternative.

Jan Burnham

Sales Administration Representative

Tel 0870 720 8730

Fax 0870 720 8623

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o dear
i got the same email

wat does it mean now?

i seen they havent actually charged me
im not gona contact them im gona leave it
wise choice?
I sent them one saying if that one is discontinued they should offer me a different set at the same price :P