Truncated Hyperlinks

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I am working with a database created in Excel. Included in that database is
a series of hyperlinks to pictures saved on a shared drive on network. When
the spreadsheet is run from a local computer the hyperlinks work fine, but
when it is saved on the network, the hyperlinks become truncated at the
begining, instead of:


I get:


This happens on saving the spreadsheet on the network...
That's a relative hyperlink - presumably your workbook was in
(the .. means go up a level).

You can usually force hyperlinks to be absolute by
File / Properties / General / Hyperlink Base:

Bill Manville
MVP - Microsoft Excel, Oxford, England
Our workbook is setup for your absolute solution, but when it gets emailed
out to users, the links are truncating to ../../drivename/folder/file/

i don't understand why this is happening while it gets emailed. when
opening the original file (doesn't matter on which computer) it works. but
when i open the email file, the links are truncated. how do we stop this?
I am also having this trouble.
Do I really have to put that base in the workbook? What about files on other
servers, or is it simplay having any old made-up base that forces it to think
absolute path rather than converting to relative?
Why does it convert it anyway? When I type it in: "W:\procedure\" it works.
When I exit the hyperlink dialogue it converts it to
"\\NZ1TRN07\DATA\DATA\procedure\" and that works too.
When I save the file it converts it to "..\..\..\..." and tells me it's
Can't I just tell it to leave all hyperlinks alone?
If it's the best way, then adding a base to the properties isn't too big a