The previous solutions all suffer from assumptions that the file
extension is X characters long (e.g. 3 or 4), or is such-and-such
character string (e.g. "htm"). Those kinds of assumptions will cause
debugging later on when reality intrudes. ;-)
Here's a more generic way to do this that will work with file
extensions of any length, no length, or containing multiple periods
(hence the StrReverse). It's coded as a function so it can be called
where ever needed w/o rewriting the code. If you don't know how to
integrate the function into your code you can just take the code
inside the function (wow, that sounded weird!).
Sub joe()
Dim sFilename As String ' original filename
sFilename = "Hello World"
MsgBox (sFilename & vbCrLf & StripExtension(sFilename))
sFilename = "Hello World.htm"
MsgBox (sFilename & vbCrLf & StripExtension(sFilename))
sFilename = "Hello World.html"
MsgBox (sFilename & vbCrLf & StripExtension(sFilename))
sFilename = "Hello World.Peace.doc"
MsgBox (sFilename & vbCrLf & StripExtension(sFilename))
End Sub
Function StripExtension(Filename As String) As String
Dim sEmanelif As String ' reversed filename
Dim sFileNoExt As String ' filename w/o extension
If InStr(1, Filename, ".") = 0 Then
StripExtension = Filename
' reverse Filename string to get extension at front
sEmanelif = StrReverse(Filename)
' take from 1 past period onward
sEmanelif = Mid(sEmanelif, InStr(sEmanelif, ".") + 1)
' reverse back to original and place in function result
StripExtension = StrReverse(sEmanelif)
End If
End Function