Alex Moreau
Has anyone ever heard of a card that has a true component input?
First of One said:Why do you need component input, though? Digital camcorders use Firewire
or USB 2.0. DVD ripping should be done with the PC's DVD-ROM drive. The
odd user may want to capture game console footage, and that's about it.
Alex Moreau said:Just scheming around the fact that my provider doesn't have any firewire
enabled boxes (in spite of the FCC ruling). I'm using s-video right now.
Passable, but not quite up to snuff.
Ken Maltby said:
Alex Moreau said:Now that looks promising...do you have any hands on experience with this
card? Is it stable, quirky, output quality of video, etc? Any firsthand
knowledge (or even heresay) you can give is appreciated.
Tom Scales said:I was excited until I read the specs. Encodes at 720x480.
I was hoping this was a solution to capture true HD from my cable box, but
its just SD quality.
Alex Moreau said:I'd be happy with 720x480 component at the moment. It's better than
s-video, and until I can get a firewire enabled STB, that may be the best
I can do, unless a similar card with HD capability could be found.
As I alluded to above, firewire is really the only way by which STB HD to
PC could be achieved (again, unless a similar HD card can be had). If you
haven't already, check with your cable provider regarding a firewire
enabled box. Some pretty good information on STB firewire recording can be
found here:
Tom Scales said:I already have a Firewire enabled cable box. The process is ugly.
Have you looked at Dvico's Fusion line? QAM support for non-encrypted
Honestly, though, the vast majority of my HD content is recorded
Alex Moreau said:Yes, I have considered the fusion cards. The problem with the QAM channels
is that they rarely, if ever, include premium channels, which is what I
want to record. I'd be satisfied with DVD quality. I'll be interested to
see what Ken's experience (if any) has been with the snazzi* card. And
your right, the firewire process *is* ugly. Reminds me of when DIVX was a
10 step process...
Tom Scales said:You do know that Firewire won't solve the problem either, right? On boxes
with Firewire, if the channel is encrypted (5C), the Firewire output shuts
off. Firewire ONLY works for non-premium channels.
Alex Moreau said:Hmmm...as much as I've read up, that never registered. I guess I wanted to
believe otherwise. Looks more and more like the Snazzi component in or
similar may be my best (or only) option for my purposes. Thanks for the
heads up.
wopsClint said:Those darn armatures... But without them, we'd have no electricity to
power our computers!
William said:wops