Troubling program


Cliff Lewis

Sometimes I notice a single pixel that is white on the screen of my
notebook computer (an IBM T42 Thinkpad) . When I put my cursor over
the spot, a miniature scroll bar appears. When the spot is there, the
Windows Task Manager reports an application named Syn Visual Window.
Ending that program gets rid of the white pixel.

I can find no information about this program on the Internet.
ZoneAlarm does not appear to list it among the programs that seek
Internet access. Nor can I find it listed as an active task or service
in WinPatrol. It is not detected by my antivirus program (eTrust
ezAntivirus), by AdAware or by Spybot.

Can anyone tell me what the program is, and whether it is cause for
concern? If not, can you offer some tips for identifying the program?

Cliff Lewis


I've a feeling this is to do with the Synaptics touchpad driver. As such it's
not malware but these touchpad-drivers DO tend to be riddled with bugs. You
should be able to uninstall it from add/remove programs. The standard Windows
mouse-driver will work fine with a touchpad, except you won't have the
special gizmos (who needs them anyway...)

Cliff Lewis

That's exactly what it is! I can live with it now that I know it is
not malware. (But then, I think I like the magnifying glass
alternative better anyway.) It would be nice if UltraNav provided some
sort of documentation so that people like me would know what it was.

Thanks for your help.

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