Troubleshooting RIS: why doesnt $oem$\$1 work

  • Thread starter Thread starter folkvord
  • Start date Start date



I've installed and configured RIS on a Windows 2003 server, and I've
created two images (the default copied from my winxp select-cd, and one
created with riprep on a pc install with complete office and so on).

The riprep-image seemed to work fine untill I tried using it on a pc
with a different NIC. At first the client wouldn't even boot from the
RIS-server, but following the instructions from the manufacturer I was
able to fix that.

The manufacturer also provided info on how to deploy the drivers with
the image, so that the client can find and install the neccessary
drivers from after the install.

I've followed these instructions, and checked with the docs from
Microsoft over and over again, but this is still not working.

If I've understood this correctly, anything i put in the directory
<image>\$oem$\$1 should be copied to the first harddrive (c: in my
setup) on the client, no matter what. Is this correct ?
(I can't find any of the contents of the $1 directory on my c:\ after
the install)

Furthermore, when the client boots after the install and find new
hardware, it should locate the drivers i've copied using the
$$-directory, if these directories are present in "OEMPnPDriversPath".
Is this correct as well ?

Here is my current setup. Can anyone see what I am doing wrong here ?

Image is located at:


where I have the two directories


the structure for the $oem$ directory is:


My ristndrd.sif contains the following settings in the [unattended]

DriverSigningPolicy = Ignore
OEMPnPDriversPath = \Drivers\display;\Drivers\network
FileSystem = LeaveAlone
ExtendOEMPartition = 0
TargetPath = \WINDOWS
OemSkipEula = yes
LegacyNIC = 1


I would appreciate any help, since I am kind of stuck now :)

If I've understood this correctly, anything i put in the directory
<image>\$oem$\$1 should be copied to the first harddrive (c: in my
setup) on the client, no matter what. Is this correct ?
(I can't find any of the contents of the $1 directory on my c:\ after
the install)

Furthermore, when the client boots after the install and find new
hardware, it should locate the drivers i've copied using the
$$-directory, if these directories are present in "OEMPnPDriversPath".
Is this correct as well ?

Here is my current setup. Can anyone see what I am doing wrong here ?

Image is located at:


where I have the two directories


the structure for the $oem$ directory is:



I've just tried to install the image based on the select-cd, and then
the files are copied onto my hard-drive. If I try to install from the
image created with riprep then I have no luck.

So this seems to work as intended, at least for the first image I've
created. Is there any setting in the sif-file that can prevent the
copying of files. I would like this to work for my customized images
as well, but I can't figure out why it's not working for both of the

If the RIS image was created with RIPREP, you must perform these steps on
both the RIPREP image and the RISETUP image that corresponds to the RIPREP

Just a kind note that you should also put driver files to both i386 folder
and $OEM$\$1\Drivers\network folder on the following two images:

d:\RemoteInstall\Setup\Norwegian\Images\WINXP_SELECTCD (Assume this is
RIPREP image)

d:\RemoteInstall\Setup\Norwegian\Images\WINXP_RISETUP (Assume this is the
CD-ROM based image)