Well, I've determined that none of the OpenGL programs work at all.
Some display errors and some just crash hard, but all in all none of
them are able to display any graphics with OpenGL.
The machine I'm using is a Dell Inspiron 8600 laptop. It's a P3
1.4GHz, 512MB RAM, with the nVidia GeForce FX Go5200.
I've tried Call of Duty first and got their standard OpenGL error:
"Could not load OpenGL. Make sure that you have the latest drivers for
your video card from the manufacturer's web site."
The OpenGL demos on nVidia's site (Dawn the fairie) also don't work.
When launched, the screen goes black momentarily to change the aspect
ratio and then reverts it without any messages or errors.
Here's the results from a few of the utilities at majorgeeks I tried:
+ DroneZMark - the application changes my aspect ratio down to 1024x768
and then crashes with a standard MS "report this error" dialog box.
+ GLExcess - "Can't create a GL rendering context."
+ 3DMark03 build 350 - This benchmarking system uses DirectX 9.0.
These tests run fine (albeit with a relatively low frame rate for most
tests). Here's some of the important detailed specs on my machine from
the Futuremark Systeminfo:
OS info: WinXP v5.1.2600 SP2
Vid Card driver: v4.5.8.1 on 9-22-2003 nv4_disp.dll
DirectX info: v9.0c (
So the bottom line is that OpenGL doesn't appear to work at all. I
*think* I have the latest video drivers, windows XP is updated, and
Direct3D seems to work according to the 3DMark03 benchmark tests.
According to Activision's support website, there are two common issues
that can cause this error I'm seeing in Call of Duty. The first is the
drivers being out of date. The second is that multiple monitors may be
active and causing the video rendering to crash.
As far as I understand, to turn off multiple monitors in XP, all you
need to do is uncheck the box under Display Properties / Settings /
"Extend my Windows desktop onto this monitor." This is all I've done
to disable it, but if this isn't all I need to do please let me know.
Anyone have ideas how I can continue troubleshooting this problem? I'm
fresh out of them.