Troubles with wow

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I am having troubles with wow being choppy while in game, I have a ASUS G2
laptop i just bought which has a Geforce 8600m GT 256mb graphics card. I have
gone to the nvidia site to DL the beta drivers as suggested in other posts,
but when i goto install them it says that i am not running a 32 bit system
even know Vista premium is a 32 bit system any suggestions ?
Gand said:
I am having troubles with wow being choppy while in game, I have a ASUS G2
laptop i just bought which has a Geforce 8600m GT 256mb graphics card. I
gone to the nvidia site to DL the beta drivers as suggested in other
but when i goto install them it says that i am not running a 32 bit system
even know Vista premium is a 32 bit system any suggestions ?

This may be a daft question but did you grab the 64bit beta drivers by
Try for the latest nvidia drivers
VRG Scotty©
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Are you 100% certain you are not running the 64bit version of Vista? Premium
does come in a 64bit version.

Go to Control Panel - System (Or Right Click on Computer and select
It will say
System Type: 32-bit Operating System
System Type: 64-bit Operating System

As for WoW, you will NEED the drivers from the NVidia site installed for
whatever version of Vista you are running to get 'proper' performance out of
the game. The included MS Drivers do not have the necessary OpenGL
acceleration that I believe WoW requires, so it is rendering everything in
software instead of on the Graphics Card.

If you have to, just try both the 32bit and 64bit version of Vista drivers,
and see if either of them install. Once you get them installed, your game
experience will be awesome.

Good Luck..