Esther L.B. Clair
To Whom It May Concern:
G'Morning! I am a pet artist who has put a website
together using FrontPage 2000. There has been some
difficulties with using FrontPage, however, as my site
does not appear to be seen by any search engine spiders,
let alone clients, on the world wide web. Some people
feel that the HTML in FrontPage 2000 isn't good for my
site. Please feel free to look at the HTML and let me
know.Is FrontPage 2003 any better with HTML? I would
appreciate someone to assist me here with the site's
problems. My site is : www.estherspetportraits.com
Please let me know soon.
Esther L.B. Clair, pet artist
G'Morning! I am a pet artist who has put a website
together using FrontPage 2000. There has been some
difficulties with using FrontPage, however, as my site
does not appear to be seen by any search engine spiders,
let alone clients, on the world wide web. Some people
feel that the HTML in FrontPage 2000 isn't good for my
site. Please feel free to look at the HTML and let me
know.Is FrontPage 2003 any better with HTML? I would
appreciate someone to assist me here with the site's
problems. My site is : www.estherspetportraits.com
Please let me know soon.
Esther L.B. Clair, pet artist