Yesterday, I got Ethernet-based Cable Internet over PPPoE from my ISP.
As we have 3 computers on our network in the apartment, we purchased a
Broadband Router (D-Link DI-604) to share the said connection.
I do not know much about networking, however in Network Connections it
appears under the Dial-up section, and it says it uses the ISDN
channel (64k digital).
My roommate was here when the network was installed and he said that
the tech guy wrote down the MAC Address of his LAN card, logged on
some admin account and put it there.
So, I believe that he made it so that in order to connect to the
internet a verification of the MAC Address of the Ethernet Adapter is
required, ie. we cannot share the internet connection using the
router, as it has a different address.
Is there any way to overrule this, and make it possible to share the
connection under the said circumstances?
I hope this is clear enough,
thanks in advance,
V Ivanov
Yesterday, I got Ethernet-based Cable Internet over PPPoE from my ISP.
As we have 3 computers on our network in the apartment, we purchased a
Broadband Router (D-Link DI-604) to share the said connection.
I do not know much about networking, however in Network Connections it
appears under the Dial-up section, and it says it uses the ISDN
channel (64k digital).
My roommate was here when the network was installed and he said that
the tech guy wrote down the MAC Address of his LAN card, logged on
some admin account and put it there.
So, I believe that he made it so that in order to connect to the
internet a verification of the MAC Address of the Ethernet Adapter is
required, ie. we cannot share the internet connection using the
router, as it has a different address.
Is there any way to overrule this, and make it possible to share the
connection under the said circumstances?
I hope this is clear enough,
thanks in advance,
V Ivanov