trouble with viewing website

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We have put up a commercial website using Front Page 2003. We are a small
home based company.

Several people have told us that viewing our site is like looking at wet
newspaper. The frames are overlapped with text bleeding in from other frames
or pages. Nothing we do can recreate what is happening.

All help appreciated
No one can help unless you post a URL for the site to see what you did


| We have put up a commercial website using Front Page 2003. We are a small
| home based company.
| Several people have told us that viewing our site is like looking at wet
| newspaper. The frames are overlapped with text bleeding in from other frames
| or pages. Nothing we do can recreate what is happening.
| All help appreciated
It might be best not to use frames. Also probably don't use any absolute
Well, that's the question isn't it?? Where are a good set of instructions
for absolute positioning?
Sure you could. And thanks!

Well over the head or not, it's something they need to think about trying to
understand if they are going to use layers.
Sounds like the OP is using absolute positioning, which is not properly supported in all

Steve Easton
Microsoft MVP FrontPage
This site is best viewed............
........................with a computer
which is not properly supported in all

Steve - ya gotta stop with this. It's just wrong.

You can say it's not properly supported in V4 and earlier browsers. You can
say that it's often misused by developers. But there is no difference in how
its supported by any modern browser.
how about "it's a pita to use and not worth the effort"


Steve Easton
Microsoft MVP FrontPage
This site is best viewed............
........................with a computer
It can be. But doesn't have to be. However, I think this suggestion is the
best for you to use! 8)