Trouble with Process.Start

  • Thread starter Thread starter Matt F
  • Start date Start date

Matt F

I have a relatively command that I'm attempting to get process.start to

When executing the command, I get a "The system cannot find the file
specified" error. I've gone to the trouble of making sure the entire
command is fully qualified etc. but the error still occurs.

Here is the command (modified slightly of course)
C:\Dev\[solution name]\[project name]\bin\Debug\[exe name to run].exe
/silent /type 1 /constr "Data Source=[sql express instance];Initial
Catalog=[catalog name];Persist Security Info=True;User ID=sa;pwd=[password]"
/destination C:\Dev\[solution name]\[project name]\bin\Debug\Data\[filename]
/destpwd [password]

Note that everything within [] has been modified for post.

Also note: pasting the unaltered version of this to a dos command window
works exactly as I would expect it to.
Hi Matt,

Yes, just as Cor pointed out, the other components after the "[exe name to
run].exe" are command line arguments, so they should not be passed as the
"filename" parameter of Process.Start(). There is a overloaded version of
Process.Start(), which takes argumeents as the second parameter:

Public Shared Function Start ( _
fileName As String, _
arguments As String _
) As Process

returnValue = Process.Start(fileName, arguments)

So, You may pass them as the second parameter of Process.Start() method.

Hope this helps.

Best regards,
Jeffrey Tan
Microsoft Online Community Support
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I already broke it out in the way that Cor mentioned... but thanks for the
tip -- I'll keep that in mind for future use.
You are welcome. If you need further help, please feel free to post, thanks.

Best regards,
Jeffrey Tan
Microsoft Online Community Support
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