Trouble with other message boards...

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I've searched through here briefly and can't find anything close so here's my

I've been participating on another message board for over two years now with
zero issues. Suddenly, a week ago for no apparent reason, when I click on a
topic thread there I get a blank (white) screen and the "done" icon pops in
the lower left of the window. The site itself is known to be hacked on
ocassion and I have no idea what else might have caused this issue. It's not
a website issue as I have full access on other machines. All I can think of
is that somehow IE took a hit despite firewall, anti virus and pop-up
protection. AV and multiple spyware scans catch nothing either.

Any thoughts?
Unfortunately, PA, I'm running IE 6 on Windows 2000. I also heard recently
that for some reason Verizon customers specifically were having difficulty
accessing certain web sites for some reason. I'm going to have to check that
out I think....
To keep track of things, it helps immensely if you include all of previous
message(s) in your replies to the newsgroup. Thank you.
I've since determined that it's not an IE issue but a Norton Firewall issue.
Think it took a hit and corrupted somehow. When it's disabled the problem
goes away. Thanks PA.
YW & thanks for posting back. The fact that a Norton app screwed it up
doesn't surprise me in the least.
Snakefood603 said:
I've since determined that it's not an IE issue but a Norton Firewall
Think it took a hit and corrupted somehow. When it's disabled the problem
goes away. Thanks PA.

Don't run without a firewall If running WinXP turn on the WinXP firewall,
otherwise get another one as soon as possible.