Trouble With My Documents

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I originally moved My Documents to my E: drive but recently it was deleted or
moved. Now the My Doc folder and shortcut shows up under Desktop but when I
right click to get to Properties and Move Target, it says "the properties for
this item is not available". I tried to create a My Documents back on E: but
it seems to get moved back to My Desktop. Under System Event Viewer, I saw a
caution sign with this message "The server service was unable to recreate the
share My Documents because the directory E:\My Documents no longer exists.
Please run "net share My Documents /delete" to delete the share, or recreate
the directory E:\My Documents.". I've tried this is a cmd box but get an
error message. I've searched the KB and can't find a reference to this error
message or anything similar.

Thanks for help with this problem.
