Hi there, I have two columns I want to put into a graph. The first column
is my posting date, which has approx 20 lines, beginning with Oct 1. The
next column is a dollar amount. I want the dates to go across the bottom of
the graph, and the dollar amount to go on the side. I've tried everything I
know to do, and cannot get the graph to look good. The dates jumble
together, or it will only do one date per graph. So, in short, A1:A20 is all
dates, Oct 1, Oct 2, and so on. Column B1:B20 are all dollar amount, 5.00,
-10.00, 35.50, etc.
I've tried chart wizard, etc. Grrrrr... Any help would be most
appreciated from you Excel Gods.
is my posting date, which has approx 20 lines, beginning with Oct 1. The
next column is a dollar amount. I want the dates to go across the bottom of
the graph, and the dollar amount to go on the side. I've tried everything I
know to do, and cannot get the graph to look good. The dates jumble
together, or it will only do one date per graph. So, in short, A1:A20 is all
dates, Oct 1, Oct 2, and so on. Column B1:B20 are all dollar amount, 5.00,
-10.00, 35.50, etc.
I've tried chart wizard, etc. Grrrrr... Any help would be most
appreciated from you Excel Gods.