Trouble with Cookbook Template



I'm using this template to create a cookbook, and I'm having so many
problems. There was a place where I had seen a bunch of questions and
answers on that template but I can't find it again.

I can't seem to add rows to the Recipe 1 tables or add space after the
table, so the last line sometimes isn't visible in Print Layout even though I
can see it in Normal.

There is more art povided at the end of the cookbook to be used throughout
the book, but I can't seem to make it paste and stay in different places.

Any help is appreciated.

Robert M. Franz (RMF)

Hello Jodiebht

I'm using this template to create a cookbook, and I'm having so many
problems. There was a place where I had seen a bunch of questions and
answers on that template but I can't find it again.

No idea where that was. I just downloaded the template and opened it up.
Whoever created that, ahem, _thing_ tried to use a text processor (Word)
as a poor excuse for a DTP software. The outcome is, hmmm, mixed. At
least graphically it looks fair IMveryHO.

But the pictures (supposedly have-been cliparts) have been inserted in a
(to me) unknown fashion (beceause the UI can't make up it's mind
whethere they are inline or floating); the structure (section-wise) is
pretty dubious; PAGE numbers (in those default frames positioned
absolute to page, sigh) seem to be the only dynamic content (i.e., the
"TOC" is as static as it gets) ...

All-in-all, there's probably not an easy way to make such a template w/o
code *and* make it easy to use for most users. And MS implicitly agrees
since it doesn't seem to have found one, either ... ;-)

I can't seem to add rows to the Recipe 1 tables or add space after the
table, so the last line sometimes isn't visible in Print Layout even though I
can see it in Normal.

Position your cursor in the left column in the row above which you want
to insert a new line. Then slowly move your mouse to the left. From the
initial state (something like ][ w/o a gap in the middle), your cursor
will change to a white left/up-pointing arrow, to a black
right/up-pointing one, then to a white right/up-pointing one (and I have
omitted two other states :)), _that's the one you need to click to
select the whole table row. Then you can insert a new line via your
context-menu (right mouse) or Table | Insert | ...

Since the table of "Recipe 2" has no clue about the other table, you
need to move it yourself (cursor in the table will reveal a box with
four arrows to all 4 sides in the top/left corner of the table: drag it
down or, if you want to keep alignement straight, use the table menu to
increase the vertical value.

There is more art povided at the end of the cookbook to be used throughout
the book, but I can't seem to make it paste and stay in different places.

This really _is_ tough. You better take a decent Word course first to
get the idea of this template and use the pictures as desired. I sure
looks like nobody has tried the "Copy them and paste them on the page in
the new chapters" advice.


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