Trouble with collections...

  • Thread starter Thread starter pietlinden
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I am using the MultiPik from Developer's Handbook. Works a champ,
most of the time... but I managed to screw something up...

Here's the code from the book that I am using (in case you don't have

' MultiPik demo.
Private mmp As MultiPik

Private Sub Form_Open(Cancel As Integer)
' Four steps to using Multipik:

' 1. Instantiate the object
' 2. Set up the RowSourceType for the list boxes.
' If you did this at design time, you needn't
' do it now.
' 3. Register the 8 controls with the object
' 4. Tell it where your data comes from

' a collection for each - the Selected items and the Available
Dim colSel As Collection
Dim colAvail As Collection

Set mmp = New MultiPik

mmp.RegisterControls _
lstAvailable, lstSelected, _
cmdAddOne, cmdAddAll, _
cmdDeleteOne, cmdDeleteAll, _
cmdUp, cmdDown

' use a function to return the collection I want and assign it to
the variable...


Set colSel = RR_Queries(True)
Set colAvail = RR_Queries(False)


mmp.SetCollections colAvail, colSel

Set colSel = Nothing
Set colAvail = Nothing

End Sub

Here's the function RR_Queries()

Public Function RR_Queries(ByVal blnIsSelected As Boolean) As
' RR=RecordReturning... so all Crosstabs and Selects...

Dim qdf As DAO.QueryDef
Dim intCounter As Integer
Dim colQs As Collection 'collection of query objects
Dim rs As DAO.Recordset

Set colQs = New Collection

For Each qdf In DBEngine(0)(0).QueryDefs
'query is in the table already...
'If the query is not already in the "always table", list it...
If Left$(qdf.Name, 1) = "~" Then
'do nothing
If QueryIsSelected(qdf.Name) = blnIsSelected Then
If (qdf.Type = dbQSelect Or qdf.Type = dbQCrosstab)
And Left$(qdf.Name, 4) <> "zqry" Then
'Debug.Print qdf.Name
intCounter = intCounter + 1
colQs.Add Item:=qdf.Name, Key:=CStr(intCounter)
End If
End If
End If
Next qdf

'--Only add the sections to ONE of the lists... (Available)
If Not blnIsSelected Then
Set rs = DBEngine(0)(0).OpenRecordset("SELECT SectionName FROM
ztblSection ORDER BY Sequence;", dbOpenSnapshot)

Do Until rs.EOF
intCounter = intCounter + 1
colQs.Add Item:=rs.Fields("SectionName"), Key:=CStr
End If

Set RR_Queries = colQs
Set colQs = Nothing
End Function

When the code executes, it reaches this line:

If Not (colSel Is Nothing And colAvail Is Nothing) Then
mmp.SetCollections colAvail, colSel
End If

and I get "Error 3420: Object invalid or no longer set".
I guess i just don't get it... the types are right... (the function
returns a collection). What object is invalid? the reference to the
MultiPik is set... so what am I doing wrong?

Thanks for any help! I'm stymied. (and I would swear this was working
great the other day!)
hi Piet,

hmm, I'm having right now a déjà vu...

I am using the MultiPik from Developer's Handbook. Works a champ,
most of the time... but I managed to screw something up...
Still, try to ask the author.
When the code executes, it reaches this line:

If Not (colSel Is Nothing And colAvail Is Nothing) Then
mmp.SetCollections colAvail, colSel
End If

and I get "Error 3420: Object invalid or no longer set".
I guess i just don't get it... the types are right... (the function
returns a collection). What object is invalid? the reference to the
MultiPik is set... so what am I doing wrong?
Have you checked it (mmp Is Nothing)?

Use the Object Inspector (F2) and search for the SetCollections method.
Have you specified the correct parameters?

--> stefan <--
hi Piet,

hmm, I'm having right now a déjà vu...

Still, try to ask the author.

Have you checked it (mmp Is Nothing)?

Use the Object Inspector (F2) and search for the SetCollections method.
Have you specified the correct parameters?

--> stefan <--

never mind... I fixed it... now onto uglier problems...