trouble with calculating wages to hours worked

  • Thread starter Thread starter skylar0605
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this is a few questions, but one step at a time, fairly new user. i am the
general manager of a restaurant trying to figure out how to build a
spreadsheet that when i put in a persons hours for the day lets say 8:00am
(B2) to 1:00pm (C2) the result that populates in (D2) is in a number (0.00)
of hours for the day. In (E2) it will have a formula that takes the employess
hrly rate times the total hours worked and popluate how much they will get
paid for the day.
wow, thank you awesome i was waaaay far off from that formula in those cells.

2nd question?

I have a worksheet for tue, wed, thur, fri, sat, sun, mon with the
same table/spreadsheet. now i am trying to make a weekly worksheet that for
each person i can display the start time (b2) and end time (c2) of the tue
sheet (for instance) in one cell (b2) on the weekly sheet.
Ex: TUE (2nd tab on the bottom of my screen) b2 8:00am c2 1:00pm
WEEKLY (1st tab on bottom of my screen) (b2) 8:00am-1:00pm
Try this:

All on one line:

=IF(COUNT(Tue!B2:C2)=2,TEXT(Tue!B2,"h:mm AM/PM")
&" - "&TEXT(Tue!C2,"h:mm AM/PM"),"")