I've been using Remote Desktop to connect to most of the
PC's on our small network to check updates on each
computer and other maintenance issues. So I've done the
basics of turning on Remote Desktop under System on each
computer. There are a few of our computers that just
won't connect. We are all behind the same firewall and
connect through the same router. Does anyone have an
idea of some other config setting that I'm missing that
wouldn't normally need to be set on all XP computers for
Remote Desktop to work?
PC's on our small network to check updates on each
computer and other maintenance issues. So I've done the
basics of turning on Remote Desktop under System on each
computer. There are a few of our computers that just
won't connect. We are all behind the same firewall and
connect through the same router. Does anyone have an
idea of some other config setting that I'm missing that
wouldn't normally need to be set on all XP computers for
Remote Desktop to work?