Trouble viewing images



Linked images are not appearing in my published web. I
am getting an "x"ed out box instead of the image. I have
the image in the images folder and it is published as
well. Is there a size limit for the pictures that will
show up properly? Any suggestions?


Post the url and we'll tell ya exactly...there are several possibilities.

| Linked images are not appearing in my published web. I
| am getting an "x"ed out box instead of the image. I have
| the image in the images folder and it is published as
| well. Is there a size limit for the pictures that will
| show up properly? Any suggestions?

Kevin Spencer

Can you look at the image tags on the live site and tell us where they point
to? Chances are, it is a file location on your hard drive.

Kevin Spencer
..Net Developer
Microsoft MVP
Big things are made up
of lots of little things.

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