trouble transfering film back to device

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I have a sony miniDv which I can transfer video to wmm with no problem via
ilink the sound and picture are fine ! im saving the file to a dedicated hard
drive yet I cant seem to copy the edited film back to the miniDv with out the
film being jumpy and desorted, picture and sound, it is also lengthening the
time of the film this probobly being the reason for the destortion.
I have tryed filtering / turning off fire wall, updates & antivirus ,

has anyone had the same problem with wmm is it an problem with wmm is it
worth getting a decent editing program if so can any one recommend a good one

cheers hope someone can help
Save it to your hard drive as a DV-AVI file and try the WinDV utility to
copy it from there to your camcorder.... (link on the Digital Camcorders >
Intro page of my site).

It uses a bigger buffer than MM2 and often gives better results.

Movie Maker 2 and Photo Story 3 -
Photo Story 2 -

thanks for the responce sounds great but being the thing idiot that i am
could you give me some ideas on how to access the windv utility had a look on
your site couldnt find the info probobly looking with my eyes shut !!

hope its not a silly request
THANKS for the very quick responce your a star! ill give it a go and let you
know how i get on
once again cheers !

I still have the same problem even after downloading WinDV. hard drive
playback is fine. Just will not record onto DV camera. What I get through
both WinDV and MM2.1 is mostly blank recording with an occasional frame and
no sound.

It used to work fine and I cannot pinpoint an action following which it
stopped working. Must have been one of the auto window updates.

I would hate to have to rebuild my opsys.

Anyone have any ideas?

using a gateway 500S with a Sony DCR-TRV130.



I found out that my problem with the transfer back to the camera was related
to service pack 2.

I restored the PC to just prior to loading SP2 and the transfer worked.

Then I restored the PC to just after SP2 and the transfer stopped working

Not sure why, though.
