trouble shooting, processor or graphics card?



my pc is messed up somthing fierce, when i turn it on and the post screen
shows up, but some pixels are not black, they come up randomly different
colors every time, which made me think a graphics card problem. then when it
gets to the next screen while booting, where it checks for boot devices, some
characters will randomly be wrong, and in different colors, like "Boot from
CD" will show up as like "B##j fr#m cD" or something like that, which leads
me to beleive its some sort of logic error and the fault of the procsessor. i
cant really play any games now, the graphics are too jinxy and random
polygons will sprout out of my gun in css and go all the way acrossed the
map blocking out almost everything. ive trouble shot every thing in the box
besides the gcard and processor because i dont have access to another machine
with a PICe port or another machine with a 939 socket set. ive replaced
drivers, reset the equipmentin their slots, all that stuff, somthing is just
straight up faulty. how can i be sure which peice needs to be replaced if i
cant test them on another machine?

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