Trouble shooting application abends...

  • Thread starter Thread starter Howard Woodard
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Howard Woodard

I'm wondering if there is anyone on this board that's good at
troubleshooting application abend, exception code 0xc0000005, or knows of
someone who is, that would be willing to help me find and eliminate mine. I
get them fairly often on different applications ranging from video editing
software to DVD copying software, including Microsoft's Digital Image Pro
picture editor.

Thanks in advance,

Asus P5Q (Bios 1611), Intel Quad 9450, 4 GB Corsair DDR2-1200 (manually set
for 1066 @ 2.1 vdc), GF 8800GTS 500M 640MB DDR3 DUAL DVI TV (dvr 181.20),
Vista Ultimate 32 bit sp1, WD 500, 640, 640 SATA II hard drives
Hi Howard,

Exception code 0xC0000005 is a driver error, generally they wind up being
video-related. First step would be to download the latest driver package for
your display adapter, remove the current software, then install the new

Best of Luck,

Rick Rogers, aka "Nutcase" - Microsoft MVP

Windows help -
My thoughts
Thanks Rick. I have updated the driver twice since the original build back
in July of '08. After each there has been no differences in occurrence or
frequency. Short of switching out my video card, is there a place to look
in the logs or dump files to confirm that it is the video driver that is

Hi Howard,

The dump file would probably confirm it. If you're set for minidumps, you
can email me the most recent one (please don't send multiple ones) using a
subject line of 'per req'. Send to rick_at_mvps_dot_org and I'll take a look
at it.

Best of Luck,

Rick Rogers, aka "Nutcase" - Microsoft MVP

Windows help -
My thoughts