Ambience said:
Thank you for your help
I tried it with the center and the
picture was too small...and the stretch really well, ....stretched
the picture beyond recognition. I'm kind of new to web art and things
like that...I don't know
how to size the picture so that it will fit on my desktop like the
desktop images that come with windows xp. I appreciate any advice.
The default images for the desktop in C:\Windows\Web\Wallpaper are all sized
at 800x600 pixels or larger and 72 DPI (dots per inch) or more. You need to
use an image editor to resize the images you wish to use, if they are not
close to this default size.
You can use a 'free' image editor like IrfanView which is capable of
tweaking images just about every way they can be tweaked. Available here:
Depending on the file format of the image, you may want to use IrfanView to
convert the image to a different format prior to editing. Some image formats
like .jpg and .gif are "lossy" formats, which means that when you edit the
file, it will lose some of it's sharpness and quality. Other image formats
like .tif, .bmp and .png are "lossless" formats which do not lose the
quality when they are edited.
You can open the image in IrfanView and select File/Save As and select a
lossless format in the "Save as type" drop down menu to save a copy of the
image. Open that copy and do your editing there.
Select Image/Information from the Toolbar to see the current size and
Image/Resize/Resample to make changes.
Good Luck