trouble removing rows


Spork Rhonewood

Ok so I have a long list of data. I have 32 lines of good stuff an
then 10 bad lines, repeating for around 30000 lines. I need to remov
the 10 bad lines. I am trying to do it by looking to see if the cel
is empty or has a cetain value in it and then removes the whole row.
It doesn't run. Help please.

Sub Trash()
Dim myCell As Range, rng As Range, RW As Range
Set rng = Range("C9:C28870")

For Each myCell In rng

If IsEmpty(myCell) Then
RW = myCell.row
Selection.Delete Shift:=xlUp
End If

If Not IsEmpty(myCell) And myCell.Value = "grp / transactionhisto
RW = myCell.row
Selection.Delete Shift:=xlUp
End If

Next myCell
End Su


Hi !

Two thing go wrong here. First you are declaring RW as Range, while it
actually is an integer (Long integer). The second problem is that the range
you have defined gets smaller with each row you're deleting.

The following code should do the trick:

Sub Trash()

Dim Row As Long
Dim EndRow As Long

Row = 9
EndRow = 28870

Do While Row <= EndRow

If IsEmpty(Cells(Row, 3)) Then
Selection.Delete Shift:=xlUp
'Subtract 1 from Row and EndRow for each row that is deleted
Row = Row - 1
EndRow = EndRow - 1
ElseIf Not IsEmpty(Cells(Row, 3)) And Cells(Row, 3).Value = "grp /
transactionhisto" Then
Selection.Delete Shift:=xlUp
'Subtract 1 from Row and EndRow for each row that is deleted
Row = Row - 1
EndRow = EndRow - 1
End If

Row = Row + 1

End Sub

Good luck !

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